Canon EOS-1D X Mark III DSLR Camera

Electrónica 213 visitas Nuevo Venta ID: 2425
3000.00 $

Publicado el 21/09/2023


Tipo de Anuncio Tienda
Marca Canon


Built for speed, sensitivity, and precision, the Canon EOS-1D X Mark III is a powerful DSLR designed for sports, wildlife, and other trying and dynamic imaging applications. Designed as the flagship of the EOS system, the 1D X Mark III is characterized by its refined processing capabilities and distinct speed to suit both photo and video applications. Featuring a newly designed 20.1MP full-frame CMOS sensor and updated DIGIC X image processor, this camera is capable of continuous shooting rates up to 16 fps with the optical viewfinder or 20 fps in live view, with a 1000-shot buffer when shooting raw+JPEG. New Digital Camera And Camera lens WWW.LATIEF-ALHAKIM.COM, We specialize in exporting brand New Digital C...


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